Womb Wisdom
In today’s fast-paced and busy world we have forgotten the sacred knowledge of how to listen and connect with the wisdom of this magnificent centre inside of us.
Your womb is a rich velvety source of magic and creativity, she is your divine connection to source and the centre of your universe. She is where you plant your dreams, birth your babies and bring your visions into form.
In todays fast paced and busy world we have forgotten the sacred knowledge of how to listen to and connect with the wisdom of this magnificent centre inside of us.
These meditations are for the women who are yearning to know themselves intimately, for the women who have creative visions they wants to bring to life, for the women who are yearning to birth a baby or to become the best versions of themselves.
Your womb is already speaking to you, I know this to be true because it is how you were guided to this page. My mediations are an invitation to listening to the whispers of your soul, the whispers telling you that there is more available for you