The live event was a donation based event with all proceeds raised going to the WAMINDA birthing on country organisation.
This is a HUGE deal and the money for this live event is going where it is needed and appreciated so thank you so so much for your donations xx
If you purchase the replay here, with Kat’s permission all dollars received will go towards a cause very close to my heart which is my mamas cancer journey.
My mama was diagnosed with terminal cancer of which western medicine says that there is no cure. I know that the body has the most amazing ability to heal so I simply do not accept this diagnosis. I am taking my mama to Mexico for alternative cancer treatments not available in Australia, a journey that is a huge investment for my family.
Are you interested in spirit babies?
This is your opportunity to learn all about spirit babies.
Kat O’Connor hosted a private zoom call and I spoke about all things spirit baby.
We discussed how to open communication lines between you and your future children, or those that may have visited but did not stay…
How to receive guidance from these children.
Information on the spirit baby realm itself,
What they are here for, what they are teaching us in this incarnation,
We will also be flowing with QNA and exploring some more personal topics too.
Some questions that were answered were:
Do I have a spirit baby?
Do we choose our families/ can we have the “wrong” baby?
What are signs from my spirit baby?
How to access the spirit baby realm myself?
Do spirit babies return if they didn’t stay full term?
How to tell if it’s my baby communicating or if it’s my mind?
How do spirit babies choose their timing?
How do I communicate clearly to twins?
Does mental/emotional health effect who comes through
What types of souls are coming into the aquarian age/ where do they come from.
We can explore topics like
Trying to conceive (trusting to conceive)
Multiple spirit babies and how to tell who is next in line?
and more.
If you love Kat you can follow her on instagram