• New Earth Mama Packages

    The new earth mama package is the for women who are ready to dive deep with two feet in to prepare their mind, body and spirit for the arrival of their baby. Surf the wild woman shop

New Earth Mama Packages

The new earth mama package conscious conception is the for women who are ready to dive deep with two feet in to prepare their mind, body and sprit for the arrival of their baby. This program is for the women who are wanting to know themselves and their baby intimately beyond time, space and dimensions.

Are you being called to open the channels of communication to connect with your spirit baby? Are you being called to create a fertile mind, body and spirit for the arrival of your baby?


New Earth Mama Package ‘Conscious Conception’  ($777)

If you are reading this information and interested in this program then you have signed up to be a higher dimensional parent in this life time.

The babies coming through from the higher dimensions are asking for their mamas to listen to what they have to share before conceiving. This program has been created to assist you in calling forth your spirit baby, to inform them that you are ready to invite them into your life and onto planet earth.

Your baby is already speaking to you and this program is for the women who are ready to open up the communication channels with their baby so that she can become the best possible version of herself.

Your spirit baby has hand chosen you to birth him / her as the best mama to support their mission on earth; which is to assist in the collective awakening of humanity.

In addition to this your soul is asking you to access your goddess within by connecting with the rhythm of your moon cycle and the four archetypes that move through your life; maiden, mother, maga, crone. You want to know yourself so intimately that even the strongest storm would not rattle your faith in yourself.

This package includes the following:

Have you ever wondered where the souls of unborn babies are waiting before they incarnate onto the planet.

Through my own 8 year fertility journey I learned to communicate with my spirit baby.

If you are on this site and reading this information your baby is trying to communicate with you too.

Do this meditation anytime you wish to meet with your spirit baby.

Do this meditation when you wish to seek council from a trusted confidant or to know the intimate answers to any questions you may have.

In this meditation we take your attention to your womb with the intention of seeking council from your inner goddess.

Through journeying you have the ability to access other parts and places out of your ‘ordinary’ reality.

You may meet with your inner goddess to effect positive change, to connect with your baby, your fertility journey or your bodies own innate divine intelligence.

She is the energy of the crescent moon.

Do this meditation when you are ovulating or when the moon is full. Use this meditation anytime you wish to birth a baby, a new business or to connect with your inner nurturer.

Your mother archetype begins in the period of your life from 25 years old or through the rite of passage that is child birth and continues through to menopause.

The mother season of your life is for all women regardless of whether she has had children or not.

The mother season is the summertime of a woman’s life.

The energy that makes up your inner mother is nurturing, caring, trusting, strength, love, fertility, pregnancy, suckling, manifestor, createress of babies or projects and responsibility.

Do this meditation at the full moon or when you want birth a baby a business or to fulfil any creative desires. This meditation is especially for conception of a baby or a project.

Your womb is a rich velvety source of magic and creativity, she is your divine connection to source and the centre of your universe.

She is where you plant your dreams, birth your babies and bring your visions into form.

Meditation for conceiving a baby, birthing a business or birthing a new you.

Do you believe in magic, do you believe in limitless possibilities.

Do you believe that anything is possible.

If you answered no to any of these questions have you ever asked yourself why?

You are living in a realm of infinite abundance should you choose to align with it.

You have the power inside you now to create that which you most desire.

Do this meditation anytime you wish to connect with the infinite abundance of your being.

This meditation is to align with 5D frequency. 5D is not a destination it’s a frequency.

5D is a place of complete alignment, infinite abundance, creativity and the realm where all things are possible.

It’s the place where you say yes when you want to say yes and no when you want to say no.

It’s a place where synchronicity and universal signs are your teacher.

22 meditations throughout your moon cycle with special focus on communicating with your spirit baby and your womb / heart connection

Your PDF work book is for you to journal and take notes after each shamanic journey so that you may return and remind yourself of the wisdom you received. Taking notes also helps to cement the lessons that you received on any given journey.

Bonus Inclusions

Have you ever wondered where the souls of unborn babies are waiting before they incarnate onto the planet.

Through my own 8 year fertility journey I learned to communicate with my spirit baby.

If you are on this site and reading this information your baby is trying to communicate with you too.

Do this meditation anytime you wish to meet with your spirit baby.

A shamanic drum journey into your to your womb with the intention of meeting your spirit baby.

If you are yearning for a baby then know that your baby is yearning for you.

Your spirit baby is already communicating with you, learn to connect with his / her wisdom so that you can be the mother he / she has come to experience

Do you believe in magic, do you believe in limitless possibilities. Do you believe that anything is possible. If you answered no to any of these questions have you ever asked yourself why?

You are living in a realm of infinite abundance should you choose to align with it. You have the power inside you now to create that which you most desire.

The divine intelligence of your body knows exactly how to move to and welcome your spirit baby into your womb.

This practice contains a lead in meditation where I direct you to follow your own intuition and to move exactly as your body is asking you to move so that you can call your spirit baby into your womb.

The meditation is followed by a play list of music to open and activate your sacral chakra. I do not speak or offer any instructions during the music as the invitation is to trust your own bodies wisdom.

At the end of the music the session is completed by a finishing meditation.

New Earth Mama Package ‘IVF/IUI’  ($777)

The new earth mama package is the for women who are ready to dive deep with two feet in to prepare their mind, body and sprit for the arrival of their baby. This program is for the women who are wanting to know themselves and their baby intimately beyond time, space and dimensions.

Are you being called to open the channels of communication to connect with your spirit baby? Are you being called to create a fertile mind, body and spirit for the arrival of your baby? You are about to embark on IVF / IUI journey and you want to connect the magic of your mind body and spirit to the magnificence of modern day science. You want to welcome the spirit of fertility enhancing medicines into your body with gratitude and love.

In addition to this your soul is asking you to access your goddess within by connecting with the rhythm of your moon cycle and the four archetypes that move through your life; maiden, mother, maga, crone. You want to know yourself so intimately that even the strongest storm would not rattle your faith in yourself.

Your baby is already communicating with you and is asking you to bring your awareness to this connection that is already present so that you can bring divine feminine essence and warmth to the scientific fertility journey that is typically a masculine and cold process.

This package includes the following:

Have you ever wondered where the souls of unborn babies are waiting before they incarnate onto the planet.

Through my own 8 year fertility journey I learned to communicate with my spirit baby.

If you are on this site and reading this information your baby is trying to communicate with you too.

Do this meditation anytime you wish to meet with your spirit baby.

Do this meditation when you wish to seek council from a trusted confidant or to know the intimate answers to any questions you may have.

In this meditation we take your attention to your womb with the intention of seeking council from your inner goddess.

Through journeying you have the ability to access other parts and places out of your ‘ordinary’ reality.

You may meet with your inner goddess to effect positive change, to connect with your baby, your fertility journey or your bodies own innate divine intelligence.

She is the energy of the crescent moon.

Do this meditation when you are ovulating or when the moon is full. Use this meditation anytime you wish to birth a baby, a new business or to connect with your inner nurturer.

Your mother archetype begins in the period of your life from 25 years old or through the rite of passage that is child birth and continues through to menopause.

The mother season of your life is for all women regardless of whether she has had children or not.

The mother season is the summertime of a woman’s life.

The energy that makes up your inner mother is nurturing, caring, trusting, strength, love, fertility, pregnancy, suckling, manifestor, createress of babies or projects and responsibility.

Do this meditation at the full moon or when you want birth a baby a business or to fulfil any creative desires. This meditation is especially for conception of a baby or a project.

Your womb is a rich velvety source of magic and creativity, she is your divine connection to source and the centre of your universe.

She is where you plant your dreams, birth your babies and bring your visions into form.

Meditation for conceiving a baby, birthing a business or birthing a new you.

Do you believe in magic, do you believe in limitless possibilities.

Do you believe that anything is possible.

If you answered no to any of these questions have you ever asked yourself why?

You are living in a realm of infinite abundance should you choose to align with it.

You have the power inside you now to create that which you most desire.

Do this meditation anytime you wish to connect with the infinite abundance of your being.

This meditation is to align with 5D frequency. 5D is not a destination it’s a frequency.

5D is a place of complete alignment, infinite abundance, creativity and the realm where all things are possible.

It’s the place where you say yes when you want to say yes and no when you want to say no.

It’s a place where synchronicity and universal signs are your teacher.

  • 22 meditations throughout your IVF cycle with particular focus on synthetic hormones
  • 22 10-15 minute breath / yoga practices

Your PDF work book is for you to journal and take notes after each shamanic journey so that you may return and remind yourself of the wisdom you received. Taking notes also helps to cement the lessons that you received on any given journey.

Bonus Inclusions

Have you ever wondered where the souls of unborn babies are waiting before they incarnate onto the planet.

Through my own 8 year fertility journey I learned to communicate with my spirit baby.

If you are on this site and reading this information your baby is trying to communicate with you too.

Do this meditation anytime you wish to meet with your spirit baby.

A shamanic drum journey into your to your womb with the intention of meeting your spirit baby.

If you are yearning for a baby then know that your baby is yearning for you.

Your spirit baby is already communicating with you, learn to connect with his / her wisdom so that you can be the mother he / she has come to experience

Do you believe in magic, do you believe in limitless possibilities. Do you believe that anything is possible. If you answered no to any of these questions have you ever asked yourself why?

You are living in a realm of infinite abundance should you choose to align with it. You have the power inside you now to create that which you most desire.

The divine intelligence of your body knows exactly how to move to and welcome your spirit baby into your womb.

This practice contains a lead in meditation where I direct you to follow your own intuition and to move exactly as your body is asking you to move so that you can call your spirit baby into your womb.

The meditation is followed by a play list of music to open and activate your sacral chakra. I do not speak or offer any instructions during the music as the invitation is to trust your own bodies wisdom.

At the end of the music the session is completed by a finishing meditation.


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