Ecstatic Dance / Movement
Your body is an infinite source of creativity and wisdom and she knows exactly how she needs to move to bring forth that which you desire.
These self guided meditation and movement practices have been created as a tool for you to unlock the sacred codes that live within your cells and DNA for your highest evolution.
Meet your spirit baby
Have you ever wondered where the souls of unborn babies are waiting before they incarnate onto planet. Through my own 8 year fertility journey I learned to communicate with my spirit baby.
This 70 minute meditation and ecstatic movement practice was created with the intention for you to unlock the codes of wisdom already inside of you.
The divine intelligence of your body knows exactly how to move to welcome your spirit baby into your physical realm.
This practice contains a lead in meditation where I direct you to follow your own intuition and to move exactly as your body is asking you to move so that you can meet your spirit baby.
The meditation is followed by a play list of music to open and activate your sacral chakra. I do not speak or offer any instructions during the music as the invitation is to trust your own bodies wisdom.
At the end of the music the session is completed by a finishing meditation.
Call your spirit baby into your womb especially for IVF
Do you believe in magic, do you believe in limitless possibilities. Do you believe that anything is possible. If you answered no to any of these questions have you ever asked yourself why?
You are living in a realm of infinite abundance should you choose to align with it. You have the power inside you now to create that which you most desire.
The divine intelligence of your body knows exactly how to move to and welcome your spirit baby into your womb.
This practice contains a lead in meditation where I direct you to follow your own intuition and to move exactly as your body is asking you to move so that you can call your spirit baby into your womb.
The meditation is followed by a play list of music to open and activate your sacral chakra. I do not speak or offer any instructions during the music as the invitation is to trust your own bodies wisdom.
At the end of the music the session is completed by a finishing meditation.
IVF unsuccessful cycle - letting go / shedding
You have been through IVF or IUI and your cycle has been unsuccessful. Your dreams, hopes and wishes to become a mama have not come to pass this month.
You have invested a large amount of time, resources, hopes and desires into this cycle and it has not come to be.
Your body and spirit is grieving. Your body knows exactly how to move so that you can release this grief, this disappointment and these dreams that have not come to pass.
This meditation and movement practice was created for you to move your body exactly as she needs / wants to move so that you can release the emotions that are coming to the surface.
This practice contains a lead in meditation where I direct you to follow your own intuition and to move exactly as your body is asking you to move so that you can release and shed that which has not come to be this month.
The meditation is followed by a play list of music to open your heart and allow your body to feel and process all that it wants to feel and process. I do not speak or offer any instructions during the music as the invitation is to trust your own bodies wisdom.
At the end of the music the session is completed by a finishing meditation.
Shedding the old / letting go / dark moon
This meditation dance practice was created to be done on the dark moon or while you are menstruating.
The energy of the dark moon is stillness, dormancy and potential. The dark moon is the last day of the lunar cycle and is a powerful day to express your prayers for that which you wan to let go. What it is that you no longer wish to carry forward, what feels heavy in your life. It is time to dig up any seeds, ideas or energy that you don’t want to plant which may potentially grow in the next cycle.
This practice contains a lead in meditation where I direct you to follow your own intuition and to move exactly as your body is asking you to move so that you can let go of all that no longer serves.
The meditation is followed by a play list of music to allow you to drop into your womb space and to allow your body to feel and process all that it wants to feel and process. I do not speak or offer any instructions during the music as the invitation is to trust your own bodies wisdom.
At the end of the music the session is completed by a finishing meditation.
No pregnancy this month / release shedding of your womb space
You have been calling forth your spirit baby and this cycle has been unsuccessful. Your dreams, hopes and wishes to become a mama have not come to pass this month.
You have invested energy, hopes and dreams into becoming a mama and with your monthly bleed arriving your body and spirit is grieving for what has not come to be.
Your body knows exactly how to move so that you can release this grief, this disappointment that this dream has not come to pass this month.
This meditation and movement practice was created for you to move your body exactly as she needs / wants to move so that you can release the emotions that are coming to the surface.
This practice contains a lead in meditation where I direct you to follow your own intuition and to move exactly as your body is asking you to move so that you can release and shed that which has not come to be this month.
The meditation is followed by a play list of music to open your heart and allow your body to feel and process all that it wants to feel and process. I do not speak or offer any instructions during the music as the invitation is to trust your own bodies wisdom.
At the end of the music the session is completed by a finishing meditation.
Self forgiveness and forgiveness of birth after traumatic birth
Did your birth not go to plan, did you experience trauma or unresolved events that have left you feeling dissatisfied or unfulfilled with the birth of your baby.
Did you experience intervention or an injury that have left you with unprocessed emotions, I planned a home birth with my son Makaio however I experienced a stroke just hours before going into labour that temporarily blinded me requiring a hospital transfer.
My birth story left me feeling completely robbed of the experience I was craving and intending which was to birth my baby peacefully and at home.
Your body knows exactly how to move so that you can release this grief, this trauma.
This meditation and movement practice was created for you to move your body exactly as she needs / wants to move so that you can release the emotions that are coming to the surface to make way for your return back to full, vibrant health.
This practice contains a lead in meditation where I direct you to follow your own intuition and to move exactly as your body is asking you to move so that you can welcome, honour and then release all that is showing up for you.
The meditation is followed by a play list of music to open your heart and allow your body to feel and process all that it wants to feel and process.
I do not speak or offer any instructions during the music as the invitation is to trust your own bodies wisdom. At the end of the music the session is completed by a finishing meditation.
Meet your inner maiden
Your inner maiden is the energy of spring and she is under the influence of the new moon. Your inner maiden has the energy of youth, innocence, purity, simplicity and wildness. She is spontaneous, headstrong and carefree. You can connect with your inner maiden anytime you are seeking her council. She lives within you always.
Do this meditation right after your period has ended or on the new moon just when there is a sliver of light beginning to form in the moon.
This meditation and movement practice was created for you to move your body exactly as she needs / wants to move so that you can connect with the essence of your inner maiden.
This practice contains a lead in meditation where I direct you to follow your own intuition and to move exactly as your body is asking you to move so that you can welcome, honour and connect with your inner maiden.
The meditation is followed by a play list of music with the intention of opening a door way to connect with your inner maiden.
At the end of the music the session is completed by a finishing meditation.
Meet your inner mother
The mother season is the summertime of a woman’s life. The energy that makes up your inner mother is nurturing, caring, trusting, strength, love, fertility, pregnancy, suckling, manifestor, createress of babies or projects and responsibility.
Do this movement / dance meditation when you are ovulating or when the moon is full. Use this practice anytime you wish to birth a baby, a new business or to connect with your inner nurturer.
This meditation and movement practice was created for you to move your body exactly as she needs / wants to move so that you can connect with the essence of your inner mother.
This practice contains a lead in meditation where I direct you to follow your own intuition and to move exactly as your body is asking you to move so that you can welcome, honour and connect with your inner mother.
The meditation is followed by a play list of music with the intention of opening a door way to connect with your inner mother.
At the end of the music the session is completed by a finishing meditation.
Meet your inner maga
Your maga time is the period of life from menopause to old age.
This is the autumn time of a woman life. The energy of your inner maga is giving, contributing, power, community minded and carefree responsibility.
Do this movement / meditation practice when you are in your descent towards your moon time or when the moon is waning from full to dark.
Use this movement / meditation anytime you wish to seek council during a transitional phase in your life.
This meditation and movement practice was created for you to move your body exactly as she needs / wants to move so that you can connect with the essence of your inner maga.
This practice contains a lead in meditation where I direct you to follow your own intuition and to move exactly as your body is asking you to move so that you can welcome, honour and connect with your inner maga.
The meditation is followed by a play list of music with the intention of opening a door way to connect with your inner maga.
At the end of the music the session is completed by a finishing meditation.
Meet your inner crone
The energy of the crone is old age, wisdom, keeper and speaker of truth, contemplation, inward focus, community holding, responsibility carefree.
Do this movement / meditation practice as your period is starting and there is no moon present in the sky. This is the time of stillness and inner reflection. If your moon cycle is not synched with the moon thats ok, still do this meditation at the beginning of your bleed as this is still your dark moon time.
This meditation and movement practice was created for you to move your body exactly as she needs / wants to move so that you can connect with the essence of your inner crone.
This practice contains a lead in meditation where I direct you to follow your own intuition and to move exactly as your body is asking you to move so that you can welcome, honour and connect with your inner crone.
The meditation is followed by a play list of music with the intention of opening a door way to connect with your inner crone.
At the end of the music the session is completed by a finishing meditation.